Yay it is Cathlic Schools week! This week is really exciting, and the theme for This year is sort of like this " Archdiocese of Seattle. Catholic Schools. 73 Schools grounded in Faith, Service, and Academic Excellence" Catchy, huh? Lot better than last years. So, On Sunday we had an open house, to show odd all of our awesome work! Yesterday, we had a school-wide rosary, led by my little sisters class. Today, the whole school is going roller-skating at a rink, and we have non-uniform! Tomorrow, we have a visitors lunch, where we can have either our parents, cousins, aunts, uncles, family friends, grandparents, anyone, come and have lunch with us and visit our school! On Thursday, we have a school mass, and on Friday we have a read-in. Well have to go, or I'll be latefor school!
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
The Hunger Games!
Well, as you probably know, I have started reading the WONDEFUL series, the Hunger Games! As of the moment, I am reading the last one, it is just as excellent as the first, and you might be wondering if I am Team Gale or Team Peeta, and at the moment I am neutral....I am Team Katniss! Haha.....I don't even think there is a Team Katniss. So anyways, the first book. I will tell you what it is about. So there is this 16 year old girl, Katniss Everdeen. She has long brown hair that she wears down her back every day,and she lives with her mom and her little sister who is 12, Primrose. ( Prim, for short ) Her dad died when she was I think 11 or 12, and I guess she isn't as close to her mom since. She lives in what used to be The United States, in a place called District 12. There are 12 districts, from 1 to 12, and they are absolutely dictated by The Capitol, the head of all of the other Districts, that tells everyone what to do. In all of the districts, there is one main industry that it takes care of, like fishing, agriculture, or lumber. Distric 12 takes care of mining. Anyways, every year, to remind the whole country of Panem( What the whole country is called. Sorry I forgot to mention that. ) that they still have complete and utter power over them, The Capitol holds a yearly Hunger Games, where two tributes from each district, one boy and one girl, go to an arena, and fight to the death to crown the annual Hunger Games champion in any sort of climate/landscape that the capitol designs for them, a different one every year. ( This is the 74th hunger Games) So to choose, they do this ceremony called the reaping, where they pick names out of these two glass bowls, on for the boys and one for the girls. And since her sister Prim, is only 12, this is her frist time, so she only has to have her name enetered one, unlike Katniss . Anyways, Prim's name is picked. And Prim is kind of dainty, and Katniss knows that she would never stand a chance, so she volunteers to go for her. the boy is Peeta Mellark. And there are SO many details about a whole bunch of other characters and stuff, but I think I will make you read the book to find out what happens.
Hope ya liked it!
Hope ya liked it!
Sunday, January 29, 2012
What is the MBS?, you might be wondering. Well, it stands for The Mysterious Benedict Society. The Mysterious Benedict Society is the first of three wonderful books in the MBS series, First The Mysterious Benedict Society, two The MBS and the Perilous Journey, and three The MBS and the Prisoners Dilemma. I personally liked the first and last ones the best, the second one was okay. Anways, the first book starts out with a child, Reynard Muldoon, ( Reynie for short ) looking at a newspaper that says " Are You a Gifted Child Looking For Special Opprotunities?" ( or something like that, I haven't read the books for a really long time) and he is, so he goes to this building to take a test, with lost of other kids, with twists and turns along the way. The only kids to pass the test are himself, George Washington ( Sticky, actually, because everything he learns pretty much sticks in his head ) Kate Wetherall, ( she has always wanted to be called TheGreat Kate Weather Machine) and Constance Contraire, a crabby, plump, girl, who whines and rymes all day. You will learn fabulous things about all of these four along the way, and see how they end up with Mr. Benedict, go on a very important mission, and create a friendship that will last a lifetime....well a friendship that will last into the next two books. :) Here are what the book look like.

Well, thanks for reading, and I hope you try out these FABULOUS books !
Well, thanks for reading, and I hope you try out these FABULOUS books !
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Friday, January 27, 2012
Well, yeah. Feeling western today, eh? :) Anways, just wanted to check in and tell you that no, I haven't forgotten about you. Just been busy. So, the weather is getting a little better, it is still a bit chilly outside and all of the snow has melted! Today we had non-uniform ( oh yeah! ) and next week it is Catholic Schools week! So on Sunday we have an open-house at our school for a few hours, and we have spent many hours working on making our hallways spick-and-span with amazing work!!! On Monday, we have a school rosary, on Tuesday, we are all going skating at a roller-skating rink, ( with non-uniform) on Wednesday we have Visitor's lunch, on Thursday and Friday..I don't know. I think that one of the days we are having an all-school mass, but I am not certain. I also just found out that the play that the intermediate is going to see is called " Help" and it is the story of the Beatles, so that's exciting....next week is The Superbowl!!!! I have positively no idea why I am excited, because I don't like football at all whatsoever, but it is still exciting for my dad because he LOVES the Patriots ( He is from Massachusetts ) and so we are going over to this family we know's house, ( The Strausses ) and I might go down to my friend Andrea's house because they are next door neighbors. Which makes it pretty convienient because we go to the Strausses a lot, so I can just head over to Andrea's house for a sleepover if we have a prayer meeting! :) Well, that pretty much covers everything interest-WAIT! NO! There is something VERY interesting! I have just this past week made maybe the BEST decision I have EVER made! I started reading The Hunger Games!!!!!!! And, let me tell you. If you haven't started reading them, you are missing out on life! Not kidding! To prove it, I wiped out the first one in a day! A day!!!! And the second one( Catching Fire ) is amazing, but is taking me a bit longer to finish..he he. I am SO excited to read the last one, Mockingjay, and even more to see the movie! AHHHH!!!!!!!!!
That pretty much wraps everything exciting in my life...haha. :)
Ready to go read the hunger games...and do homework.. ,
That pretty much wraps everything exciting in my life...haha. :)
Ready to go read the hunger games...and do homework.. ,
Monday, January 23, 2012
Andrea's Birthday Party!
So this is kind of a long story because...well you'll see. So Andrea's birthday was on Friday, and on Thursday our power went out. and guss what. it was still out on Friday. So my dad went out to Starbucks to do some work, and it took him literally a half an hour to get out of our culdesac. Not even joking. And he was supposed to drive me to the party. so I wasn't able to go. So then I had to call the Hallahan's and mornfully tell them that I couldn't go. But you see, Andrea is such an amazing friend that she had her dad drive her, and one of the other girls that was at her house, Alex, to drive to our house and get me, because it was just our culdesac and giant hill that we couldn't get through. Well, the guys working on the power were working on this tree at the main light that you had to go through to get to my house the regular way, but they caught the tree on fire, the fir department had to come, and the roads were blocked. So we called Mrs. Hallahan so she could call Mr. Hallahan and warn him. But at that moment, the Hallahan's actually showed up at the bottom of the hill ( Me and my dad walked down our hill) so were were like, " Hallelujah! " And so after that we drove back to The Hallahans and played Just Dance 3 and hung out until my other best friend Carolyn showed up at her house and I wrote this skit( that you saw earlier) and we practiced a lot and hung out, and we eventually fell asleep playing Life on Carolyn's iPad. In the morning, Mrs. Hallahan( an amazing cook) made us breakfast- eggs, potato wedges, french toast, chocolate chip pancakes, bacon- delicious! - and orange juic and hot chocolate. It was super yummy. after that we kept practicing our skit( well it was more like a play ) and then we listened to music and then when the parents came we put on the play for them! It was so much fun! Happy Birthday Andrea!
Well all last week we had no school and we spent a lot of time sledding down our ginormous hill and playing in the backyard. It was really fun until the power went out and giant branches and trees fell down and we got carbon minoxide in our house and we had to temporarily move to a hotel. But other then thatm it was a blast! It was really nice that I got to spend the night a my friends house on Friday, because she had power and we didn't get ours until Sunday. We stayed the night at the Mariott hotel in Tacoma, and went to the Old Spaghetti Factory for dinner- yum! :) Anways, I have some pictures of sledding.. :)
Sunday, January 22, 2012
OMG I am SO sorry that I haven't posted all week! It is a really comlicated story, and just to give you an idea, our power went out on Wednesdayor Thursday, so we couldn't go on the computer, and we just got it back this afternoon at like 2:00. Last night we had to stay in a hotel, and tonight I was going to stay at my best friends house, but thankfully the power went back on. ( Thankfully that the power went on, not that I didn't have to spend the night at her house...that part was a bummer) And a whole bunch of other things happened as well, but I have to head off to bed and I will try to post a.s.a.p.
thanks for reading, and being patient !
Mary Grace
thanks for reading, and being patient !
Mary Grace
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Snow, snow, Snow
Yes! It snowed again...like 8 inches! Woo Hoo! In the morning we were stand-sledding ( sledding while standing up on the sled ) down the super steep driveways in our neighborhood, and regular sleddding down the ginormous 150 yard steep hill that goes up to our house..major fun! I lvoe the snow, and I love no school even better! And, a plus, my mom made yummy yummy yummy chocolate cocoa for us to drink when we got back... :)
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Snow Pictures!
The pictures I took are pretty good, but I tell ya, you have to be here tosee how pretty it all is! I try and try to get a nice, clean, picture of the trees and the cascades with the snow falling on them, all white and magical, but it doesn't work! At least I tried.... :)
Snow School! :)
Haha yeah I know my title is cheesy, but at least I thought of it. :) Well, technically we have school, but it is a two hour delay, so we start at 10:30. we originally were going to go to the March For Life in Olympia today, so we wouldn't go to school anyways, and if we didn't have school we wouldn't go to the MFL,but if we had a two hour delay, my parents said we could just skip school. :) So I guess we are just playing hooky..haha I love playing hooky....kind of. anyways I took a whole bunch of pictures yesterday, notof the kids playing but of the beautiful scenery, but I haven't downloaded them yet so they will probably be up by tomorrow or this afternoon.....I might take some pictures today, because we got like 4 inches of snow..yay! We started a snow fort yesterday, and we have WAY more snow today to clear up from the cul-de-sac,, so it is going to be big! :) Well I have to go eat my oatmeal and play in the snow....have a nice day. :)
Thanks for reading,
Thanks for reading,
Sunday, January 15, 2012
That white stuff that falls from the sky....
Yup. SNOW! It is FINALLY here! we have been playing in it all morning, and I took a lot of pictures too...
Saturday, January 14, 2012
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