Hey Y'all! I am real sorry I never got to posting this, but ya know that blue/green scarf I was making? Well it kind of got messed up so I turned it into a bag! And I keep forgetting to post a picture of it, so I am going to show you right now! :)
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Outside Fun
So the past few days have been super duper sunny! It has been a really
really nice change from the usual rain and clouds and more rain and more
clouds and dark skies, don't you agree? Well it's back to the usual
rain now, but here are some nice pictures to remind us of the past days
which reminded me what a kindred spirit God is! We spent the afternoon playing on our backyard lawn, and goofing off on the sport court. . . .as you can see. :) ( the above picture of Andrea being a goof :)
Andi and Annelise . . .
Catherine on the rip stick ( I taught her how to use it! :)
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
World Record Holder? That's me!
Uh huh. And probably you too. Over 215 million dollars was spent on Hunger Games tickets for opening weekend! Which, if you calculate at about 8 bucks per person, would be roughly 27 million people! Well anyways, that's the most money any movie in the history of the world for any movie on opening night! Isn't that cool? And I don't think that that record is going to be broken any time soon.... :)
MG <3
p.s( I will blog about the smash too, and I also took really cool pictures outside the other day because it has been so sunny! Too bad that went away. :( )
MG <3
p.s( I will blog about the smash too, and I also took really cool pictures outside the other day because it has been so sunny! Too bad that went away. :( )
Monday, March 26, 2012
Movie Review
Okay, so I was a little excited the day after I saw the Hunger Games. Big whoop. Here is the movie review I have for the Hunger Games, in full detail. ( for those of you who have not seen it, have not read the books, or both, and don't want to find out what happens, you may want to skip this because something will probably slip out. :) ) So, overall, I think the movie was excellent. The filmmakers and director and screenwriter (Suzanne Collins, actually ) did a splendid job of making the movie. It pleased me, and I believe that it pleased the millions of other people who saw it. I have witnesses. I know of only one person who didn't like it. This person is to remain unnamed. The couple of things I had problems with was that . . .
- They didn't give enough detail. I think that they supposed that everyone who saw the movie had read the book. They missed a lot of important things that I would have liked to have seen, like
- Rue climbing and jumping from tree to tree. I read some interviews as well as The Hunger Games, and it very clearly states that Rue is a climber and jumper and swinger from trees. They only showed I think two scenes where Rue was in the trees. Grrr.
- Where Katniss crushes berries and sleep syrup together and makes Peeta fall asleep so she can sneak away to the cornucopia! I mean, seriously? They totally just skipped that part and had Peeta fall asleep. It reminded me of a Barbie movie where at the end like the prince comes back up the mountain the bad guy kicked him off and he also has the magical gem that the princess needs, and the whole kingdom is saved.
- I like how they portrayed a funny Haymitch in the movie, it wasn't exactly like that in the book. They didn't really make it clear that he was drunk, but they missed the part where he gives them advice that says "Here's some advice. Stay Alive" But did they have that? Noooo.( They also missed a barfing scene with Haymitch, but I am kind of happy they skipped that )
- So there was this kissing part with Peeta and Katniss, which I don't mind, but here was the problem. Before that had happened, Katniss had kissed Peeta on the cheek. Then Haymitch sent her a note that said " You call that a kiss? " So Katniss kissed Peeta again, on the lips, for like 10 seconds. Then Haymitch got a bunch of sponsers to send Katniss and Peeta a pot of broth in a parachute. Great. But the film makers made it look like Katniss didn't actually love Peeta. That the only reasons he kissed him was to get sponsors to send them broth. They didn't show that the were falling in love either. They just whipped out this kissing scene. And I do believe that Katniss and Peeta were good together, but I am still Team Gale because she has known him her whole life and took care of her family, blah blah blah but that discussion is for a different day.
- There was this huge riot after Rue dies, which they din't have in the book! In District 11, ( where Rue is from) they have this whole thing where everyone does the three finger salute ( yes! I loved that in the movie! They remembered to include it! ) and then someone I think Rue's Dad goes nuts, and then chaos goes loose, and it's just pandimonium.
There was also a couple of other things, but I won't mention them. Overall, they didn't really show a lot of details, and there were a lot of loose strings. But I did like it, so if you haven't seen it yet, and haven't read the book yet, READ THE BOOK FIRST I beg of you, you will regret it if you don't ! And it is a very quick read, a little slow in the beginning, but excellent in the end, you won't be able to put it down. :)
And also, may the odds be ever in your favor.
Gracie <3
- They didn't give enough detail. I think that they supposed that everyone who saw the movie had read the book. They missed a lot of important things that I would have liked to have seen, like
- Rue climbing and jumping from tree to tree. I read some interviews as well as The Hunger Games, and it very clearly states that Rue is a climber and jumper and swinger from trees. They only showed I think two scenes where Rue was in the trees. Grrr.
- Where Katniss crushes berries and sleep syrup together and makes Peeta fall asleep so she can sneak away to the cornucopia! I mean, seriously? They totally just skipped that part and had Peeta fall asleep. It reminded me of a Barbie movie where at the end like the prince comes back up the mountain the bad guy kicked him off and he also has the magical gem that the princess needs, and the whole kingdom is saved.
- I like how they portrayed a funny Haymitch in the movie, it wasn't exactly like that in the book. They didn't really make it clear that he was drunk, but they missed the part where he gives them advice that says "Here's some advice. Stay Alive" But did they have that? Noooo.( They also missed a barfing scene with Haymitch, but I am kind of happy they skipped that )
- So there was this kissing part with Peeta and Katniss, which I don't mind, but here was the problem. Before that had happened, Katniss had kissed Peeta on the cheek. Then Haymitch sent her a note that said " You call that a kiss? " So Katniss kissed Peeta again, on the lips, for like 10 seconds. Then Haymitch got a bunch of sponsers to send Katniss and Peeta a pot of broth in a parachute. Great. But the film makers made it look like Katniss didn't actually love Peeta. That the only reasons he kissed him was to get sponsors to send them broth. They didn't show that the were falling in love either. They just whipped out this kissing scene. And I do believe that Katniss and Peeta were good together, but I am still Team Gale because she has known him her whole life and took care of her family, blah blah blah but that discussion is for a different day.
- There was this huge riot after Rue dies, which they din't have in the book! In District 11, ( where Rue is from) they have this whole thing where everyone does the three finger salute ( yes! I loved that in the movie! They remembered to include it! ) and then someone I think Rue's Dad goes nuts, and then chaos goes loose, and it's just pandimonium.
There was also a couple of other things, but I won't mention them. Overall, they didn't really show a lot of details, and there were a lot of loose strings. But I did like it, so if you haven't seen it yet, and haven't read the book yet, READ THE BOOK FIRST I beg of you, you will regret it if you don't ! And it is a very quick read, a little slow in the beginning, but excellent in the end, you won't be able to put it down. :)
And also, may the odds be ever in your favor.
Gracie <3
Friday, March 23, 2012
The Hunger Games
IT. WAS. EPIC. Totally, amazingly, awesomly, superdee duperdee epic. and amazing. My new favorite movie of the year, of the decade, of the century, of the life is The Hunger Games! It was WONDERFUL!
Me, Clare, and my Dad got to the theater at about 7:30, for a movie showing at midnight, and the lines were AMAZINGLY long. No just kidding. we were second in line. Haha. At least we got really good seats. Right in the middle, but in the high section. We packed in a purse three bags of candy, ( we ate more waiting for the movie than while we were actually watching the movie haha....it was that intense the whole time. ) my camera, Clare's Kindle, my Nook, Clare's phone, a deck of cards,a book for me too read, gum, icebreakers, and we had my Dad's phone in their too. Since I like to organize stuff, I kept organizing the purse many time is the theater. Clare and I went to get a drink from Starbucks while we were waiting, and while my Dad was reading The Hunger Games ( he got two thirds before the movie actually started) and the guy (mean movie theater man ) wouldn't let us in with our drink (which is ironic because practically everyone in line behind us had Starbucks...did anybody yell at them?! I don't think so! ) so we kept trying to figure out how to sneak it in. so we ended up sticking the cup on the side of Clare's jacket and then hooking arms and walking in, and he didn't notice us! Of course it didn't exactly help that Clare was giggling the whole time, haha : ) and then we finally got into the theater. We read for a long time, then played on Clare's Kindle Fire Hunger Games Trivia, which we were awesome at, of course, and then the movie started. It was AMAZING. I laughed at things that Haymitch and Effie said, and there were some really very funny parts, and then I had tears streaming down my ( as well as I think the whole theaters )face when Rue dies, and it was SO sad, and the rest of the movie was just marvelous! If you haven't seen it, you really very must must must, and I won't give away any more spoilers to the movie :) Here are the pictures. :)
it was kind of hard because of the lighting, but you can still tell that he is reading the Hunger Games on the Nook. :)
Happy Hunger Games!
Oh wait they already happened...unless you haven't seen it!
Mary Grace
Me, Clare, and my Dad got to the theater at about 7:30, for a movie showing at midnight, and the lines were AMAZINGLY long. No just kidding. we were second in line. Haha. At least we got really good seats. Right in the middle, but in the high section. We packed in a purse three bags of candy, ( we ate more waiting for the movie than while we were actually watching the movie haha....it was that intense the whole time. ) my camera, Clare's Kindle, my Nook, Clare's phone, a deck of cards,a book for me too read, gum, icebreakers, and we had my Dad's phone in their too. Since I like to organize stuff, I kept organizing the purse many time is the theater. Clare and I went to get a drink from Starbucks while we were waiting, and while my Dad was reading The Hunger Games ( he got two thirds before the movie actually started) and the guy (mean movie theater man ) wouldn't let us in with our drink (which is ironic because practically everyone in line behind us had Starbucks...did anybody yell at them?! I don't think so! ) so we kept trying to figure out how to sneak it in. so we ended up sticking the cup on the side of Clare's jacket and then hooking arms and walking in, and he didn't notice us! Of course it didn't exactly help that Clare was giggling the whole time, haha : ) and then we finally got into the theater. We read for a long time, then played on Clare's Kindle Fire Hunger Games Trivia, which we were awesome at, of course, and then the movie started. It was AMAZING. I laughed at things that Haymitch and Effie said, and there were some really very funny parts, and then I had tears streaming down my ( as well as I think the whole theaters )face when Rue dies, and it was SO sad, and the rest of the movie was just marvelous! If you haven't seen it, you really very must must must, and I won't give away any more spoilers to the movie :) Here are the pictures. :)
it was kind of hard because of the lighting, but you can still tell that he is reading the Hunger Games on the Nook. :)
Happy Hunger Games!
Oh wait they already happened...unless you haven't seen it!
Mary Grace
Mary Catherine's Birthday
Happy Late Birthday Mary Catherine! On Wenesday, my little sister turned 9 years old! It was really great because at school for her birthday it happened to be the day we had an assembly. With the band from the army. So near the end, Anne Marie motioned one of the conductors that wasn't conducting over to her seat, and whispered something in his ear. And then they played a Happy Birthday song for her! That night we went o Twin Lakes for dinner and sundaes, then we went home and had cake and ice cream, and today she got to go horseback riding. :) Here are the pictures.
It's a mud caked, actually, that she made for herself!
It's a mud caked, actually, that she made for herself!
Thursday, March 22, 2012
(in a very calm voice ) I might just possibly explode right now
OMG I THINK THAT I AM GOING TO EXPLODE RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE HUNGER GAMES IS TONIGHT! AND I THINK WE MIGHT BE GOING SOON BECAUSE WE NEED TO GET GOOD SEATS AND I AM SO VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY EXCITED TO SEE IT WITH CLARE MCKENNA I AM GOING TO DIE RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wheph. I think I am okay. For now. And later, after I blow up, watch the movie, sleep in, etc., I will tell you about my new found exploration..here is a hint word for you.
Yuperdeedoo. That's your word. And I am going to explode now so I better go!
Yuperdeedoo. That's your word. And I am going to explode now so I better go!
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Hunger Games
Here is an interview with the actor Amandla Stenberg who plays Rue in the Hunger Games:
When did you first read The Hunger Games?
I read the books about a year ago, when I was in seventh grade. All the kids in my class were reading them and talking about how good they were, so I thought, “Hey I should try them.” I just tore through them because they’re just so good. I fell in love with Rue right away. I love how musical she is, and how quick and smart she is.
What was your audition like?
To get prepared, my mom took some of my clothes and rolled them in the backyard to get grass stains all over them, and we put twigs in my hair. Gary Ross, the director, was very impressed. He said I had my own hair, makeup and wardrobe department.
What else did you do to convince him you could be Rue?
I just discussed how much I connected with the character. I also told them how I’ve done parkour work, so I have some tree-jumping skills.
Did you do any of the stuntwork in the movie?
I did some stuff. I didn’t have to do any of the hard-core stuff, but I got strapped in my custom harness. I flew around the room and jumped from tree to tree. I loved being in the harness because I felt like Peter Pan. We have some cool scenes where I’m up in the trees with Jennifer.
There’s a key scene in the book where Katniss sings Rue a lullaby. Some readers have been so inspired by that passage, they’ve written their own melodies and uploaded the song to YouTube. What can you tell us about that scene?
On that day [of filming], I actually had the honor of meeting Suzanne Collins, the author. That was incredible. We talked about the scene and how Rue is trying to be brave for Katniss.… It’s really so important to everyone who worked on the movie that it stays true to the books, so that the fans are really happy with it.
It’s neat that you make music, which is Rue’s favorite thing.
I come from a very musical family. My dad taught me to play guitar. I play violin and drums as well.Violin, I started in elementary school. Drums actually came when I was in a program called Rock Star, which was really awesome. We were doing a song by the Ramones, so I thought, “Why not play the drums?”
What would you like to do in the future? Acting, music or both?
I’m not sure. I love all kinds of art. I mean, I love sketching and acting and music. There are so many doors open to me, I could go in any direction.

When did you first read The Hunger Games?
I read the books about a year ago, when I was in seventh grade. All the kids in my class were reading them and talking about how good they were, so I thought, “Hey I should try them.” I just tore through them because they’re just so good. I fell in love with Rue right away. I love how musical she is, and how quick and smart she is.
What was your audition like?
To get prepared, my mom took some of my clothes and rolled them in the backyard to get grass stains all over them, and we put twigs in my hair. Gary Ross, the director, was very impressed. He said I had my own hair, makeup and wardrobe department.
What else did you do to convince him you could be Rue?
I just discussed how much I connected with the character. I also told them how I’ve done parkour work, so I have some tree-jumping skills.
Did you do any of the stuntwork in the movie?
I did some stuff. I didn’t have to do any of the hard-core stuff, but I got strapped in my custom harness. I flew around the room and jumped from tree to tree. I loved being in the harness because I felt like Peter Pan. We have some cool scenes where I’m up in the trees with Jennifer.
There’s a key scene in the book where Katniss sings Rue a lullaby. Some readers have been so inspired by that passage, they’ve written their own melodies and uploaded the song to YouTube. What can you tell us about that scene?
On that day [of filming], I actually had the honor of meeting Suzanne Collins, the author. That was incredible. We talked about the scene and how Rue is trying to be brave for Katniss.… It’s really so important to everyone who worked on the movie that it stays true to the books, so that the fans are really happy with it.
It’s neat that you make music, which is Rue’s favorite thing.
I come from a very musical family. My dad taught me to play guitar. I play violin and drums as well.Violin, I started in elementary school. Drums actually came when I was in a program called Rock Star, which was really awesome. We were doing a song by the Ramones, so I thought, “Why not play the drums?”
What would you like to do in the future? Acting, music or both?
I’m not sure. I love all kinds of art. I mean, I love sketching and acting and music. There are so many doors open to me, I could go in any direction.

Cute Little Shirt
Hey Y'all! Remember how I went to the Junior High Rally and told you about those funny t-shirts? Well check out this awesome on that I found.
Go to this website - ( just click on it )
Like it? If it didn't work for you, it was a Hunger Games t-shirt, except for it said " Hunger For God " and instead of a mockingjay, there is a golden dove, and it says " His spirit will fill you" then there is the bible verse John 6:35, which is " Jesus said to them" I am the bread of life. Those who come to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall not thirst" and then my favorite part is at the bottom it says " May you ever be in God's favor" LOVE it! :)
Go to this website - ( just click on it )
Like it? If it didn't work for you, it was a Hunger Games t-shirt, except for it said " Hunger For God " and instead of a mockingjay, there is a golden dove, and it says " His spirit will fill you" then there is the bible verse John 6:35, which is " Jesus said to them" I am the bread of life. Those who come to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall not thirst" and then my favorite part is at the bottom it says " May you ever be in God's favor" LOVE it! :)
I am VERY EXCITED because this morning I got tickets to go see The Hunger Games! Before, my cousin didn't have them so we were kind of stuck but this morning we got them! I am going with Clare and my Dad on Thursday night at Century Theatres at midnight to see The Hunger Games! I though earlier that I wouldn't be able to go but I guess I am now! I only had a few minutes to buy them, actually, because they were almost sold out except for when they were being sold actually on the opening night which we would have to wait like 5 hours for, but nope! We got them right before the time ran out, and I was SO relieved! :)
Happy Hunger Games!
Mary Grace
Happy Hunger Games!
Mary Grace
Team Gale/Team Peeta
Which Team are you? Team Gale or Team Peeta? I for one used to be Team Gale. then I was neutral. Then I was Team Peeta. Now I am converted by my cousin to Team Gale!!! I liked Gale from the beginning, and think that he is really sweet. SPOILER ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!
I am just kind of mad he had to go to District 2 to get a job after the whole rebellion and stuff. And I am mad that he and Katniss didn't have a friendship afterwards, that Katniss had to go marry Peeta because well in the beginning she had to be in love with him and so on and so forth. But Peeta is still good too. :)

Here are some pictures of Gale and Katniss. <3
I am just kind of mad he had to go to District 2 to get a job after the whole rebellion and stuff. And I am mad that he and Katniss didn't have a friendship afterwards, that Katniss had to go marry Peeta because well in the beginning she had to be in love with him and so on and so forth. But Peeta is still good too. :)
Monday, March 19, 2012
Charm Bracelet
- Buttercup. It is the ugliest cat in the world according to Katniss, but Prim LOVES him.
- Katniss's bow and arrow
- Poisonous berry, aka nightlock
- District 12
- Tree: Katniss's favorite resting place on the 74th Hunger Games
- "The Hunger Games"
- Peeta's pearl
- Mockingjay
- Clock, remind you of the arena of the 75th Hunger Games
- Book: which Katniss and Peeta work together after they are back to District 12
The "Hunger Games "part of Etsy has a ton more unique handmade pieces of jewelery, clothing, buttons, bows, makeup, and much more for good prices! :)
The Hunger Games
yes! It is indeed the week of the Hunger Games!!!!!! Ahhhh!!!!!!! I have plans to go with my cousin Clare this Friday night.....and I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
for Friday, March 23, 2012.
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