
Friday, September 21, 2012

Break a Leg! .....But Not 'Til May.

So, our school's play this year is High School Musical! That may sound stupid to you, but I looked at the script and I am actually really excited! Our school has never really done something like this before, and I think that it's going to be a very awesome outcome if we put the same work into it that the 7th/8th graders have done for every other play!

So on Monday and Thursday, we had auditions, you could choose either day to audition.  So you went into the school library, sat in this section of seats we call the "Story Stairs" and one by one, each person sings their song, and acts out the part they want to play in the Musical in front of everyone.  I auditioned on Monday, and even though I was a little nervous to sing, I had a really great time acting in front of everyone doing all of the different parts, like Gabriella, Sharpay, Taylor, and Mrs. Darbus.

Today at first recess we found out who the cast was, and we went back to the story stairs and Mrs. Rickard and Mrs. McCarl, the Drama Troupe teachers, read the cast out loud. They also put up a list of characters and who would play them in the hallway. So, all this morning, I was literally flipping out in my head, because I was just that nervous to find out who I would play!

As it turns out, I was chosen to play Taylor McKessie! I am really excited about that role, because

#1- It is one of the 3 main female parts, I am the main female characters best friend, and President of the Science Club!


#2- I really didn't want to get the main part, ( even though I knew I wasn't going to get it anyways ) because I wanted one of the eighth graders to get it, which ended up happening.

And even though I got a pretty good role, not all of the girls got the roles they wanted, because that would be impossible, I am trying to be modest about it, even though I am very excited, I try not to like, rub it in people's faces and only talk about my role.  :)

So thanks for reading, and if you live in King County or anywhere around there and want to come see me perform ( it really is an amazing outcome at the end, we spend all year working on an hour-to-hour-and-a-half program, and it is always amazing, and when I remember I will post you the dates, all I know is that it is the weekend after Memorial Day. :)

So Thanks for reading!!!


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