(long, dramatic, sigh) I am sick . Grr. I hate being sick. My upper head has been bothering me and aching for the past 7 hours. My esophagus has been scratchy continually thorughout today. I have a terribly horrifying ache in my internal eardrum. I drank two cps of tea which temporarily healed the pain in my throat, but it is back again. When my family gets back fom a Kennedy basketball game ( I couldn't go because I was sick ) I will ask about having some medicine. We watching " The Little Mermaid " tonight, still a childhood favorite, running maybe 3rd place in my favorite of all Disney Princesses? :P Well, I hope I get better. And if you are sick( there is a virus going around ) I hope you get better too, or if youa ren't and haven't been sick, hope you don't get sick! :)
Thanks for reading,
Still sick,
MG...red in honor of Ariel.
Friday, February 24, 2012
Umm...Take a Wild Guess to see what this post is called...
Hello all blog readers out there who have traveled from afar( or downstairs to the computer) to take in the wonderful sights of my blog and my life! Yeah..dramatic and long greeting..perhaps the longest. Anyway Anyways( Grr...I know that 'anyway' is right..I think..but it doesn't sound right to me! ) I have been reading the night away, because I got dropped off at the library after school ended to check out a few...about 7....books, and I just recently finished one. It is called ' Emma Jean LAzarus Fell Out of a Tree'....odd name for a book....yeah, sh actually did fall out of a tree. I have actually read the book before, as well as the sequel to it ( I checked out that book as well. ) and it was just as simply amazing as it was the last time I read it. I also checked out " Moon Over Manifest " which was th Newberry winner...I think....maybe last year was it? Or this year? I don't know, but it still looks interesting, and I also checked out another couple books. Speaking of books, I got another book from Amazon in the mail today, called " Keeper" and it looks very good, as I read the book review for it on Amazon. A couple days ago, I also recieve " The Gollywhopper Games " as well as " The Candymakers" which both seem excellent choices as reads over the weekend....I also checked out two books from our school library, one called" Mousenet" which is indeed a truly spectacular book so far, I am almost done, as well as " Cross my Heart and Hope to Spy " . It seems a bit original, as in there have been books like this before, so I am not as excited to read it, but ya know, dont judge a book by it's cover...( which by the way, I do a lot of the time, and I am usually right...keep it in mind that I said usually. ) Well I originally osught out to have the title of this post be " School, Camp Classes, etc. " But I changed my mind because I didn't talk abotu any of these things, and it would be kind of a lot to squeezealtogetherlikethisinjustonepostwhichwouldbeveryconfusingindeedtoread. Haha. Well, anyways, have an excellent weekend, ( although will be blogging more this weekend, or at least tonight )

Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Happy Ash Wednesday!
And Lent, mind you. Anyways, Lent starts today, and we are having an all school mass, and in our house we have this chart called "The Virtue Chart " . Every time we do something like Love of God, Truthfulness, Industry, Love of Neighbor, Obedience, etc. we get to put up a sticker! Then when you et 20 stickers, you get to chooe an award like going to Menchie's, skipping school, going to to lunch, having a friend come over, ( speaking of friends, this past weekend I went to my camp friend's house, Annie Akers, and Anne arie and Mary Catherine went too, because she has two little sisters their age, Teresa and Mary Frances, and their mom is expecting a baby, Brigid , in April! It was really fun, and surprisingly, Annie and I went to bed first! :P ) and other rewards. For Lent, fasting- wise, I am giving up chocolate, praying-wise, I am going to try to be more cheerful about praying the rosary, and am going to try to pray or read the bible every night, and abstinence- I -think- it's -called -wise, I am going to try to be kinder to my friends, siblings, and other fellow aquantinces, and am going to try to pray for others and do good deeds for them . If you want to, go ahead and send me an email about what you are giving up! Also, we will be having families over to pray the rosary but also do other fun family friendly activities during Lent. We are also going to have two families over sometime next month to go to this really pretty nature walk called Hylebos, and we are going to pray the stations. Another thing we are doing is having 5 friends over each, and we will have a lenten retreat just as we did last year. We will also be visiting the Fish Fry a couple of times, and I am going to this thing called Sacred Space, a Jr. High rally, for the 6th to 12th graders of the Archdiocese of Western Washington, and it is like a retreat, with mass, a dance, two general talks for everyone to listen to, then two workshops for everyone to take part in. I am really looking forward to it, and if you are going, email me or tell me, because I would love to know what workshops you are doing and things like that! : )
Happy Lent,
Happy Lent,
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
OMG I am SO excited! I have over 10,000 views on my blog! Thank you all blog readers out there who tak the time to look at my blog and read it. I really appeciate it, because I spend a lot of time working on it. :)
Very Happy,
Very Happy,
Hahaha yes, I am conceited, writing about myself in my blog post titles....just kidding!!! :) Anyways, here is a picture of me that I took, and btw, I really love pictures in black-and-white the best! :) I like the cool old-timey but still modern effect they have.
Christine's Birthday!
Just last Saturday was my Aunt Christine's birthday, and I believe she turned 40. In the morning, we went to mass at Gesthemane Cemetary. Afterwards, we visited Gloria Strauss and my Grandpa's graves, and after that we went out to pizza at Round Table Pizza. Christine got some clothes and things for her dolls, and she sweetly gave all of the grandkids that were there a bag with around 5 dollars and a stuffed animal. :) It was really nice, too, because a LOT of my relatives were there...let's see.....( I will do c. for cousin, u. for Uncle, and a. for Aunt) u. Greg, c. Robert, c. Elyse, c. Clare, A. Maryanne, c. Sarah, c. Ellen, c. Joey, c. Emily, u. Terry, 2nd c. Alexia, u. Richard, a. Laura, c. Lara, c. Catherine, c. Katie and her husband, c. Sharon Rose, c. Anna, c. Jacob, c. Mykelanne, u. Bob, c. Natalia, c. Franchesco, great a. Maryanna and u. Gerlad, Grandma, and a couple others. Here are the pictures....
Elyse, Emily, and Arianna ( cool fact- they are all the same age, as well as their
other cousins Franchesco, Sophie, and Sierra)
Annelise and Joey playing on an " out of order " game.
cousins having fun. :)
Christine and Annelise.
My dad and Aunt Maryanne
Grandma!!! :) We love you!!!! :) <3
Dad, Grandma, and Uncle Richard
singing happy birthday
Cath and Uncle Bob. :)
Elyse, Emily, and Arianna ( cool fact- they are all the same age, as well as their
other cousins Franchesco, Sophie, and Sierra)
Annelise and Joey playing on an " out of order " game.
cousins having fun. :)
Christine and Annelise.
My dad and Aunt Maryanne
Grandma!!! :) We love you!!!! :) <3
Dad, Grandma, and Uncle Richard
singing happy birthday
Cath and Uncle Bob. :)
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Cool Picture
I took a really cool picture, and I found it when I was looking at some of the pitures that I have taken. I thought you might want to see it....
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Excitingly, volleyball has started ! Practices started about a week ago, and we are still working on our bumping, serving, setting, playing, and lots of other skills at our practices. I successfully got 25 overhand serves at my first practice, but sadly haven't gotten as many at the other practices. Our first game is next weekend, and we zstill haven't found out who and where we are playing. On Wednesday, we decided what our uniforms would look like. We are doing a lime green t-shirt, with our number on the front and back, school name, and the font in neon pink. We are all going to go to Champions and get tye-dye socks to match our uniform, and then just plain black shorts. Original, huh? And also, I am number 12 because I love that number, it is the number of my other sports jerseys, and also, I had to battle for it against my friend Andrea. We both wanted it, but unfortunately for her, I won! And I am extra happy because I seriously never win those things! :)
I know we don't play beach volleyball, but who cares?!
:( WARNING: Sad Post
Sadly, yesterday morning at 2 A.M., there was a terrible accident. My old swim coach for Twin Lakes, Coach Rob, as well as another woman and a VAST swim coach, Coach Seth, one of my best friend's swim coaches as of this week, decided to go night flying. ( Rob can fly planes too, I guess. ) Well, they were flying, and they got into a bad accident because the engine conked out. They were trying to land, but sadly, it didn't work out and they crashed into the side of Mt. Si. Carolyn, as well as myself, as well as the whole Twin Lakes swim team, VAST swim team, and many others are very sad right now, so keep us in your prayers. Tomorrow night there will be a memorial held for them at Decatur High School.
Valentine's Day
Happy really late Valentine's Day! I hope you had an awesome one, I sure did. My dad took us out for cupcakes on Saturday night at this bakery in West Seattle called " Cupcake Royale ". The cupcakes were good, but boy were they EXPENSIVE!!!! Then we went out to dinner at Vince's, which was really nice. Then on Sunday we went out to Panera with our cousins the McKenna's, which was really fun, and then on Valentine's Day night we all exchanged valentine's! All in all it was an awesome weekend, and I hope you had a fabulous time as well!
Well I was kind of out of exciting things to do, so I decided to take some pictures of my room, books, and bookshelf. Enjoy. Oh and also, I got into my schools spelling be today! :) It is in a couple of weeks. :)
Thnx for reading!
Thnx for reading!
Singing In The Rain!!
On Valentine's Day, since it was raining outside ( hey, what a coincidence ) my sister Anne Marie and I decided to host a movie-type-thing. So, we ordered a movie, ( Singing In The Rain) , and charged 50 cents a ticket, and if you wanted popcorn and fresh baked chocolatechip cookies, then you could pay and extra 25 cents. ( awesome deal, right?) And it was a wonderful success! The movie was just as good, maybe a little bit better, as it was the first time I saw it, and the title also went with the weather we are continually having here, in Washington.
Well that's it!
Well that's it!
Annelise...the cutie pie. :)
She is still adoable as always . . . . . . . . . . and getting better at poses every day!
Thnx for looking at Anne-cutie pie!
Thnx for looking at Anne-cutie pie!
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