
Wednesday, March 23, 2011


YES YES YES!!! spring, the wonderful season of spring is finally here!!Just to let you peeps who are wondering why I am so happy, well, you should know that spring is my favorite season of ALL TIME. Even though birthday is in fall...just saying because most people's favorite season is the season that their birthday month is in so....anyways, i'm going to list my top ten favorite things about spring :)

1) Daylight Savings! SO much better then darkness at 4:00 :)
2)The Flowers! smell AWESOME! (my personal favorites are hydrangeas)
3)The Cherry Blossoms! I have a lot in my cul-de-sac, so I am  very happy :)
4)The bugs(not the spiders, the dragonflys and lady bugs and bees) haha
5) The raise in temperature, a GREAT change from the cold, even though it hasn't really hit, it's still nice to dream about since it's still pretty cold but will probably rise within a couple weeks(or months :)
6) I like the fact that it's not summer yet, but it's not winter either :)
7)I like waking up in the morning to the sound of birds chirping
8)I love finally being able to eat outside at dinner \
9)I LOVE going to garage sales, especially the Lake Taps one.
10) I like going on walks late at night, when the sun is setting, but it's light out.

Today it was really sunny, so I (of course) took some pictures