
Monday, October 10, 2011


I recently discovered a website for me, and for all readers! It is called Shelfari, and you can look at it on  . It is just like a Facebook, but for reading and books! You can post the books that you want to read, are reading, or have already read. With the books you have already read, you get to review them, rate them, say when you finished them, and then you can do lots of cool other things with them as well, like find other books sort fo like them, or put them in labels like " middle school " or " friendships . " But the cool thing is,  shelfar has the books already read, so if the book is like " Good Night Gorilla ", a kids book most of us have read, it will also put " Gorilla's " , " Animals, " , Sleeping, and other things like that, even for harder books! you can also invite friends to join, and have friends and see books that they are reading! An easy and creative way to keep track of books, and see what other are reading as well!

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